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  • Writer's pictureAmy Razor

No Rain, No Flowers

Updated: Jun 2

Hello friends,

As we transition from the rainy days of April to the blooming blossoms of May, I wanted to touch on the importance of mindfulness and staying hydrated during this time of renewed growth and energy. Just as the rain nourishes the earth and helps plants flourish, taking care of our bodies and minds through mindfulness practices can also help us thrive. One simple way to practice mindfulness is by staying present in the moment, focusing on the task at hand, and allowing our thoughts to pass without judgment.

In addition to mindfulness, staying hydrated is a key component of maintaining our well-being. Just like the rain is essential for the growth of flowers and plants, water is essential for our bodies to function properly. Drinking adequate water daily can improve our overall health, from aiding digestion to keeping our skin hydrated and glowing.

I envy friends who carry a large gallon of water and drink effortlessly throughout the day. This is not me! As I learned the importance of water, I tried out various powder aids, cups, and tricks to get the required amount of daily water. For over a year now, I am excited to share with you that I have found a secret that works for me. I love the Cirkul water bottle! It can provide plain or flavored water for any part of my day. You can check out my favorite tool here, but if this isn’t for you, no worries. The secret is to find a way that works for you to drink more water than you were drinking yesterday.

So, as we welcome May's beauty and all its possibilities, let us remember to take care of ourselves through mindfulness and staying hydrated. Let's be like the flowers, soaking up the nourishment around us and blooming into our fullest potential. May we all flourish and grow in the coming months, just like the flowers that bloom after the April showers.

With love and light,

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