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  • Writer's pictureAmy Razor

Spring Back with Mantras

During this time of year, educators can go through phases that are hard to navigate, and utilizing tools to help strengthen our mindset, such as mantras, is key to living a healthy life. The chart below illustrates the teacher phases, and this time of year is a challenging timeframe. What's my secret weapon to unleash my power to spring back during this time of year? Mantras have been my saving grace when navigating life's ups and downs. By repeating a positive phrase or affirmation, I've learned to train my mind to stay present and let go of negative thoughts and emotions.

Using mantras has genuinely helped me increase my sense of calm and reduce anxiety. They can quiet my mind and allow me to process my emotions better. By choosing words that resonate with me and keeping them positive, I have shifted my focus to the present moment and let go of worries about the future. One key thing I've learned is to observe my thoughts without judgment. This tool has been a game-changer in helping me become more aware of my inner dialogue and redirect any negative thoughts.

When we face setbacks or difficult situations, losing hope and feeling overwhelmed can be easy. However, by incorporating mantras into our daily routine, we can tap into the power of positive affirmations and shift our mindset towards resilience and perseverance. Repeating a mantra like "I am strong and capable" can help remind us of our inner strength and ability to overcome obstacles. We can reframe our perspective and approach challenges with renewed determination and courage by focusing on these empowering statements.

One key thing is that using meaningful mantras helps me attract the energy I want more of in my life. By repeating this phrase repeatedly, my mind focuses on this positive phrase instead of ruminating on the negative. Incorporating mantras into your daily routine can increase your sense of calm and reduce anxiety. Mantras can quiet the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for the fight-or-flight response, and enable better emotional processing. I recently heard this process described as "getting your butterflies" in line, and I love this imagery. Utilizing this tool has been an essential step in helping me become more aware of my inner dialogue and redirecting negative thoughts.


When selecting mantras to include in your daily practice, choosing words that resonate deeply with you is essential. These words should feel authentic and meaningful, stirring up powerful emotions. Whether it's a reminder of your strength, courage, or resilience, make sure your mantras are personally significant. Writing them down can also solidify their meaning and make them more tangible in your daily life. Additionally, it's essential to keep your mantras positive. Instead of focusing on what you lack or are trying to avoid, reframe your thoughts to affirm your worth, capabilities, and potential. By speaking positively to yourself through your mantras, you'll cultivate a mindset of abundance and gratitude.

Mantras are an essential secret weapon I carry wherever I go. They help me spring back from setbacks and face each day with inner strength and peace. By incorporating mantras into my daily life, I have found a powerful personal growth and resilience tool. If you want to try out mantras, find time to say them throughout the day (and even write them down somewhere for you to see). Whether in the morning to set a positive tone for the day, during moments of stress to calm your mind, or before bed to reflect on your accomplishments, incorporating your mantras into your daily routine can help anchor them in your consciousness. So, the next time you feel down or discouraged, try incorporating a mantra into your daily practice. Allow its power to uplift and inspire you, and watch as you find the strength to spring back and face life's challenges with confidence and resilience.



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