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  • Writer's pictureAmy Razor

The Power of a Penny: Gratitude in Everyday Moments

Have you ever wondered why we get so excited about finding a penny on the floor? It may seem small and insignificant, but there is a deeper meaning behind it. At first glance, it may seem like a

trivial discovery, easily overlooked and dismissed. However, there is a deeper meaning behind this ubiquitous yet often disregarded coin. This blog entry delves into the "why" behind the penny in our Northern Kentucky Cooperative world.

Have you ever wondered why we get so excited about finding a penny on the floor?

Simply put, pennies are abundant. They are everywhere and often go unnoticed or disregarded. But when you see a penny lying on the floor or in a random place, it serves as a gentle reminder to stop and be "present" in the moment. It urges us to take a moment to be mindful and express our gratitude. Being present is crucial for creating a kinder and more compassionate world. It allows us to appreciate the little things in life as we practice gratitude. So, when you spot a penny, take that opportunity to reflect briefly on something or someone you are grateful for on your journey. It could be a small gesture from a loved one, a challenging experience that taught you a valuable lesson, or the beauty of nature surrounding you.

Interestingly, once you start being more mindful and grateful, you will notice that pennies magically show up everywhere. It's as if they appear at the perfect moment when you need a gentle nudge to stay present and grateful. This beautiful synchronicity reinforces that being mindful and grateful is an ongoing practice, and pennies serve as little reminders along the way. I love the experience of finding pennies and the opportunity to pause. It makes me smile when a penny crosses my path at just the right moment!

Change your thoughts, change the penny at a time.
Studio Penny Lane Necklace

I was introduced to this concept through a company called Studio Penny Lane, a company that embodies the principles of mindfulness and gratitude. I love their products and the work they do! About seven years ago, I purchased a penny necklace and the gratitude jar, which remain as favorites of mine. The company’s mission aligns perfectly with our focus on mindfulness, as they strive to help individuals realize the power of personal choice. This incredible company understands the importance of helping individuals realize that they have a choice in how they navigate their lives. They inspire mindful change through a ripple effect - one penny, one person, one thought at a time.

If you're curious about Studio Penny Lane, I highly recommend checking out their website at You'll see how they are making a meaningful impact in the lives of others, encouraging them to embrace mindfulness and gratitude. In addition, I encourage you to watch this inspiring video at It perfectly captures the essence of Studio Penny Lane's mission and the transformative power of mindfulness in education.
Studio Penny Lane Gratitude Jar

In our fast-paced and often chaotic world, it can be easy to overlook the significance of the small moments. The penny is a solid reminder to slow down, be present, and cultivate gratitude. It represents an invitation to embrace mindfulness and express appreciation for the blessings in our lives, even amidst hardships. So, the next time you catch a glimpse of a penny, I hope you remember the wealth of meaning it carries. Pause, reflect, and let it remind you of the power to create a kinder and more compassionate world, one grateful thought at a time. It symbolizes an invitation to embrace mindfulness and express appreciation for the blessings in our lives, even amidst hardships. So, the next time you chance upon a penny, I invite you to pause, reflect, and allow it to remind you of the profound power we possess to create a kinder and more compassionate world, one grateful thought at a time.


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