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  • Writer's pictureAmy Razor

The Power of Connections

Updated: May 3

Connection is at the heart of what it means to be human. It shapes your happiness, your health, and your sense of fulfillment. From the bonds you form with family to the interactions you have with friends and colleagues, connection influences every aspect of your life. Connection is a powerful force that can greatly impact our well-being. When faced with tragedy, having a strong support system can make all the difference in navigating those dark and difficult times. Recently, my family experienced a devastating loss when my young cousin Brady passed away in a car accident. The news left us in shock, grappling with a mix of emotions.

However, amidst grief, our family was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from our community. From kind gestures like bringing meals to sharing memories of Brady, the compassion shown during this time has been truly remarkable. This has underscored the importance of connection and how it can help us find strength and healing in times of pain.

When we have friends and loved ones to lean on during challenging times, we are more resilient and better equipped to navigate life's ups and downs.

Research shows that social connectedness is crucial for our health and well-being. Our relationships with family, friends, and community members impact our mental and physical health outcomes. Strong connections help us cope with difficult times, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.

Understanding the science behind the power of connections is vital. Human connection is not a “like to have” but is essential to our existence, and oxytocin plays a significant role in fostering and enhancing these connections.

Oxytocin, a hormone released during meaningful interactions, plays a key role in fostering trust, empathy, and bonding in relationships.

These qualities deepen connections and create a sense of safety and security. By prioritizing nurturing relationships and engaging in acts of kindness, we can cultivate more meaningful connections with others.

In the wake of Brady's passing, the support we received from our community has been a lifeline. Every hug and conversation has been a source of solace and strength as we navigate this difficult time. Taking a moment to cherish our loved ones and engage in meaningful conversations can have a profound impact on our lives and those around us.

Brady's memory inspires us to embrace life and prioritize connections with others. His legacy encourages us to do small things in a great way, just as he did. Let us honor Brady, whom we

fondly called “B,” by continuing to spread love, kindness, and the power of connection in our daily lives. Brady’s momma, Elizabeth, wants Brady’s memory to encourage others to do little things every day to make other’s lives better. She has started a Facebook campaign, “BlikeB" to capture the incredible acts of kindness taking place all around us for years to come. I cannot think of any better way to honor Brady than to encourage what he modeled so well—the power of connection.

With love and light,

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1 Comment

Susan Murrell
Susan Murrell
May 04

No truer words. Thank you, Amy this is a beautiful tribute to Brady and his family, and all friends.

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